grief counseling

Signs You Should Seek Grief Counseling

We all experience pain, loss, and suffering at some point in our lives. We all go through a grieving process. However, those of us who have loved ones who are struggling or have struggled with substance use or behavioral disorders are unfortunately more at risk of one day engaging in grief.

Everyone deals with grief differently; some people might turn away from others, while others might rely heavily on the comforts of friends and family. Some individuals grieve for weeks, and others mourn for months or longer before they can find closure. But how do you know when you might need help handling your emotions? When symptoms persist, you may consider grief counseling to help you progress through your hardship or family crisis. 

Today our experts share five signs that might indicate you may need to seek help.

Daily life becomes a heavy task.

If you cannot eat, sleep, or go to work or school, this is a clear sign you need some help. Struggling to complete daily tasks, including self-care, disrupts your routine life and can severely impact your emotional wellness. While grieving is normal, if day-to-day life feels or becomes too heavy to bear, seeking support from a grief counselor could be a great help.  

Inability to stop crying or experiencing ongoing symptoms of distress.

While there’s no proper mourning or grief period, if you begin to feel like you can’t move on or you can’t stop crying, a grief counselor can help you get unstuck from this rut. If your sadness affects daily patterns like sleeping or eating, a professional can help you move on. 

Thinking of self-harm or suicidal thoughts.

Grief differs from depression, but it can be a strong reason for someone to slip into a state of sadness. Sometimes, this depressive state manifests itself in harming oneself, having suicidal thoughts, or harming someone else. These feelings should never be ignored, and if you are experiencing this or know someone who is, find help immediately. Proper grief support can show the individual that their loved ones would never wish them to do that and that they want them to continue living.

Relying on alcohol or drugs to cope.

Abusing substances like alcohol or drugs or partaking in addictive behaviors like gambling, is a way that many individuals manage their pain throughout the grieving process. While the person suffering might feel better, these temporary crutches are dangerous and can result in unhealthy habits and behaviors. Seeking help from a grief counselor can assist you with healthy ways to cope with the pain. 

Sudden behavioral changes.

Mood changes are completely normal as you experience grief, but when you find yourself or someone you love acting in unfamiliar ways, it could be a cause for concern. Signs to look out for include excessive anger, irrational acts, or destructive relationships. 

Individual and Family Grief Counseling With Harmony Harbors 

Harmony Harbors is here to help navigate troubled waters. Our team of recovery specialists and professional counselors have years of experience working with individuals and families as they seek guidance in dealing with substance abuse and behavioral disorders. Through our proven methods, like family grief counseling and crisis management programs, we aim to offer the necessary tools, resources, and support to allow individuals to heal, even after a loss. If you or someone you know are ready to begin a journey of healing, reach out to our team at 1-877-538-5800.