Many individuals are dealing with issues of addiction in Conshohocken, either personally or with a family member. There are many different ways to seek treatment, with the most common choices including counseling, psychotherapy, and a rehabilitation program. But if you are looking for an option that will help to heal the entire family, then your choice is family recovery counseling.

Addiction, substance use, behavioral disorders, and everything that comes along with it can affect the entire family unit and cause disconnection and conflict. The traumas and fallouts from addiction are not just felt by the person struggling with substance abuse but by the entire family.

What Is Family Therapy?

Family recovery counseling seeks to help give the proper therapeutic tools to the family members of someone suffering from substance use and behavioral disorders. This type of counseling works with the family to rely on their strengths and positive dynamics, as well as develop resources to more deeply understand the effects of substance abuse and how to support that individual. Our mission is to help assist families to discover what they can do to support all their family members as their struggling loved ones take the path toward their recovery. Instead of traditional counseling that only focuses on the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors of one person, family counseling works on the relationships of all family members. The objective of family recovery counseling is to develop, mend, and maintain healthy and functional relationships between family members, recognizing that problems often exist between people, as well as within people. 

Primary Benefits of Family Recovery Counseling 

Unfortunately, when a family member is suffering from addiction, the entire family often suffers. But when that individual is forced to confront their addiction alone, it can make recovery much more difficult. When a family undergoes counseling together, the person struggling can confront their addiction with help, while learning to receive and provide support within the family unit.

Helps Family Members Better Understand Addiction

If you have never experienced addiction firsthand, it can be extremely difficult to understand exactly what your loved one is going through. With family recovery counseling, the family can better understand the nature of addiction and exactly how it affects their loved one’s decisions and behaviors. Family counseling gives a voice to family members affected by another’s addiction and provides an atmosphere of trust and a judgment-free environment to express how the addiction has impacted their lives.

Improves Communication

Many feelings and emotions arise due to addiction and behavioral issues, including deep anger, anxiety, worry, and frustration between family members. These struggles typically exist for both sides and can interfere with how everyone communicates and treats each other. The center of family counseling is helping both parties confront the hard truths and encouraging a willingness to communicate openly, accurately, and calmly so that everyone is heard. Your family recovery counselor will open up lines of communication and help promote an environment of growing honesty within your family. 

Provides Tools for Improving Family Relationships

Even those often completely unintentional, families tend to enable the addict by providing funds or misguided support, either directly or indirectly. This can lead to continued substance use and hinder positive growth. These enabling actions may occur because family members are hoping to avoid conflict, for fear of damaging family relationships further – or even to avoid more dire consequences such as physical harm, homelessness, incarceration, or overdose. Family counseling helps create healthy boundaries and provides the necessary tools to improve these relationships. 

Harmony Harbors – A Family Center for Recovery

Our certified recovery specialists and counselors are here for you in your time of need. Our counselors have all personally experienced the effects of substance use disorder and have traveled the journey of family counseling for themselves and can provide first-hand knowledge to help guide you with expertise and sensitivity. If you or someone you know are ready to begin a journey of healing, reach out to our team at 1-877-538-5800.